Is basic income a good idea? Here’s what the evidence says (The Conversation)
- The Paradox of Universal Basic Income (Wired)
- The idea that everyone should have a job is so common we forget to question it (Quartz)
- Universal Basic Income Is Not the Solution to Poverty (Slate)
- Who Really Stands to Win from Universal Basic Income? (The New Yorker)
- What You Need to Know About Universal Basic Income (Life Hacker)
- Experts say universal basic income would boost US economy by staggering $2.5 trillion (Futurism)
- As robots take jobs, Europeans mull free money for all (CBS News)
- Elon Musk: Robots will take your jobs, government will have to pay your wage (CNBC)
- Europe Moves One Step Closer To Making Universal Income A Reality (Wall Street Pit)
- People given basic income are likely to keep working (Futurism)
- A Basic Income for Everyone? It's Not a Crazy Idea (Bloomberg)
- Basic Income Trial Useless, Finland's Largest Union Says (Huff Post)