The Relationship Between Culture and Poverty (Foundation for Economic Education)
Why are the Poor Poor and Why Does it Matter? (Springer Nature)
Conspicuous Consumption
- The new, subtle ways the rich signal their wealth (BBC)
- The Newest Sign of Social Status Isn't Money. It's This. (Psychology Today)
Income and Wealth Inequality Consequences
- Inside L.A.'s other cycling world — no helmet, no cars and not much money for repair (Los Angeles Times)
- How Income Affects the Brain (The Atlantic)
- Income inequality is changing how we think, live, and die (Vox)
- How rising inequality hurts everyone, even the rich (The Washington Post)
- The U.S. Can No Longer Hide From Its Deep Poverty Problem (The New York Times)
- The U.N. Looks At Extreme Poverty In The U.S., From Alabama To California (NPR)
- Bump in U.S. Incomes Doesn’t Erase 50 Years of Pain (New York Times)
- How We Are Ruining America (New York Times)
- Inequality: Costs and Remedies (Shanghai Daily)
Prejudice and Discrimination
- Busting the Myth of ‘Welfare Makes People Lazy’ (The Atlantic)
- America Can't Fix Poverty Until It Stops Hating Poor People (Citylab)
- I grew up on food stamps. I'll never forget the sneering looks (The Guardian)
Why do we think poor people are poor because of their own bad choices? (The Guardian)
Research uses simulation game to alter beliefs about poverty (Pych.org)
- Walmart dead bodies a nationwide phenomenon (The Washington Times)
- Growing up with poverty and violence: A North Lawndale teen's story (Chicago Tribune)
- Your face can reveal if you’re rich or poor (The Ladders)
- Class in America: Identities Blur as Economy Changes (NBC)
Life Chances
- How Poverty Changes the Brain (The Atlantic)
- Poverty changes your brain to make you less intelligent, study suggests (Independent)
- This is Your Brain on Poverty (Pacific Standard)
- The Brains of Rich and Poor Kids Look Vastly Different (Vice)
- The Jobs You're Most Likely to Inherit From Your Mother and Father (The New York Times)
Occupation, Income, & Education (OEI)
- Rich people are staying healthy for almost a decade longer than poor people (CNN)
- A College Degree Isn’t The Only Path Left To A Good Job (Fast Company)
- US marriage rates higher among better educated, financially stable (Fox Business)
- Education Isn't the Key to a Good Income (The Atlantic)
- New Report Highlights Which States Have the Most Underprivileged Kids (Parents)
- Is It Better to Be Poor in Bangladesh or the Mississippi Delta? (The Atlantic)
- Living in a poor neighborhood changes everything about your life (Vox)
Feminization of Poverty
- The Huge Impact of Donated Bras (Racked/Vox)