- How Depressed is Your State (CBS News)
- Most Men Don’t Realize They’re Depressed (Men's Journal)
- Same-Sex Marriage Laws Tied to Fewer Teen Suicides (Reuters)
- Impoverished Black Teens Talk About Depression Differently (Gizmodo)
- Why does a report on 'gender equity' in mental health all but ignore the illnesses of men and boys? (National Post)
- More Americans suffering from stress, anxiety and depression, study finds (CBS News)
- Constant police violence takes massive toll on black Americans’ mental health (Think Progress)
- Generation at risk: America’s youngest facing mental health crisis (NBC News)
- Biology is partly to blame for high rates of mental illness in women – the rest is social (The Conversation)
Mental Health & Society
- The mental health crisis among America’s youth is real – and staggering (The Conversation)
- Depression and Suicide Rates Are Rising Sharply in Young Americans (Time)
- Americans are more anxious than before (The Conversation)
- Hiding my mental illness from my Asian family almost killed me (Vox)
- We are experiencing a work revolution – and it’s making us mentally ill (The Guardian)
- How America’s McMansion obsession is subtly wrecking our mental health (Moneyish)
- The CDC just announced 1 in 59 children are autistic. Here’s why that’s not evidence of an epidemic. (Vox)
Mental Health & Global Trends
- Half of all global mental illness begins by the age of 14 (World Economic Forum)
Mental Health & Social Environment
- Depression: men far more at risk than women in deprived areas (The Conversation)
- Chronic pain treatment: Psychotherapy, not opioids, has been proven to work (Vox)
- A Depressing Work of Staggering Illness (OZY)
Mental Health & Resiliency
- Artist Channels Her Anxiety And Depression Into Hilarious Comics (The Huffington Post)
- The People with Schizophrenia Embracing the Voices They Hear (Vice)
Social Construction of Mental Disorders
- Anxiety and Depression Are Symptoms, Not Diseases (Psychology Today)
- This secret experiment tricked psychiatrists into diagnosing sane people as having schizophrenia (Denver Post)
- Is mental illness real? You asked Google – here’s the answer (The Guardian)
- Psychics Who Hear Voices Could Be On to Something (The Atlantic)
- How Many Americans View Transgenderism As A Mental Illness? (The Daily Wire)
- Is ADHD Real? (Psychology Today)
- We Have Turned Childhood Into A Mental Disorder (The Daily Wire)
- What Really Causes Anxiety and Depression: “Chemical Imbalance” Theory Debunked (Core Science)
Mental Disorders Classification
- Sex addictions are deeply misunderstood. A new classification could change that. (USA Today)
- WHO Downgrades Transgenderism, No Longer Considered a Mental Health Disorder (The Western Journal)
- Compulsive video-game playing now new mental health problem (Medical Xpress)
- Video game addiction will become a recognized mental health disorder (Quartz)
- We need to rethink how we classify mental illness (The Guardian)
Mental Disorders and Technology
- Have Smart Phones Destroyed a Generation? (The Atlantic)
- Chemical imbalances don’t cause depression — society does (New York Post)
- 30 years after Prozac arrived, we still buy the lie that chemical imbalances cause depression (Quartz)
Unequal Depression for Equal Work? How the wage gap explains gendered disparities in mood disorders (National Institute of Health)
Eating Disorders
- The Most Common Eating Disorder (BuzzFeed)
- A generation of shrinking girls (New Statesman)
Internet Addiction
Stigmatization, Culture & Mental Disorders
- A Massive New Study Puts a Pin in One of the Oldest Myths About Mental Illness (Pacific Standard)
- Is there a link between mass shootings and mental illness? (BBC)
- 9 Phrases That Spread Mental Health Stigma & What You Can Say Instead (Bustle)
Counseling Therapy
- Cradled by therapy (Aeon)
Mental Disorder Resources