- How the Disposable Straw Explains Modern Capitalism (The Atlantic)
Economy & History
- The Entire History of Steel (Popular Mechanics)
- A Brief Economic History of Time (The Atlantic)
- It took a century to create the weekend—and only a decade to undo it (Quartz)
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
- Height, lifespan, GDP: humanity has stagnated for most of its history (The Conversation)
- How Money Became the Measure of Everything (The Atlantic)
- When – and why – did people first start using money? (The Conversation)
Labor Unions
- The First Labor Strike in History (Ancient History Encyclopedia)
- When these women were told they would have to work for starvation wages, they called BS (Timeline)
Industrial America
- Inside One of America’s Last Pencil Factories (The New York Times Magazine)
- The ‘Radium Girls’ literally glowed from their work—and then it started killing them (Timeline)
- The Future of Work, a History (Politico)
- ‘The Sweat of Their Face’: Portaits of the American Worker, Through the Centuries (Daily Beast)
Economic Policies
A Short History of U.S. Trade Wars (Visual Capitalist)