- The New York Times: It’s Not Just Poor White People Driving a Decline in Life Expectancy (The New York Times)
- Drugs, alcohol and suicides contribute to alarming drop in U.S. life expectancy (USA Today)
- Heart disease deaths plummet, overdose deaths rise, CDC says (CNN)
- What the dip in US life expectancy is really about: inequality (Vox)
- Life Expectancy Can Vary By 20 Years Depending On Where You Live (NPR)
- Black Americans living longer, but racial gap remains, CDC says (CNN)
- US life expectancy declines for first time in 20 years (BBC)
- Americans Are Dying Faster. Millennials, Too (Bloomberg)
Infant Mortality & Maternal Death
- For Every Woman Who Dies In Childbirth In The U.S., 70 More Come Close (NPR)
- The Last Person You’d Expect to Die in Childbirth (ProPublica)
- A Quarter of Stillbirths in the U.S. Could Potentially Be Prevented (Parents)
- Infant Mortality Rates Fall 15 Percent in U.S. (NBC News)
- Black Mothers Keep Dying After Giving Birth. Shalon Irving's Story Explains Why (NPR)
- Childbirth is killing black women in the US, and here's why (CNN)
- US infant mortality rates down 15% (CNN)
- Experts search for explanation as two reports signal maternity crisis in Texas (The Guardian)