- I had a good job, a loving family, and a white picket fence. This is how I lost it all. (Quartz)
- I jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and survived. One sentence could have stopped me. (Quartz)
Suicide Survivors
- Mourning death by suicide (The Conversation)
- The Shock of Witnessing a Stranger’s Suicide (The Atlantic)
- After A Suicide, Sibling Survivors Are Often Overlooked (NPR)
Suicide Data
- How Many Opioid Overdoses Are Suicides? (Kaiser Health News)
- Suicide Rates In The U.S. Are Climbing Faster Among Women Than Men (NPR)
- U.S. Suicide Rate Jumps to a 30 Year High (New York Times)
- U.S. Suicide Attempt Rates Are Rising (Inverse Science)
- Suicides under age 13: One every 5 days (CNN)
- Young Adolescents as Likely to Die From Suicide as From Traffic Accidents (New York Times)
Suicide & Self-Harm Policies
Suicide Risk Factors
- Why Do So Many Men Die by Suicide? (Slate)
- How Suicide Quietly Morphed Into a Public Health Crisis (The New York Times)
- Suicide nation: What’s behind the need to numb and to seek a final escape? (The Conversation)
- Why are America's farmers killing themselves in record numbers? (The Guardian)
- Why do so many middle-aged men take their own life? (Independent)
- Study finds parenting behaviors linked to suicide among adolescents (PsyPost)
- Bullying and suicide: What's the connection? (The Conversation)
Suicide, Technology & Social Media
- Why are people live-streaming their suicides (Miami Herald)
- When People Live-Stream Murder and Suicide, Who Watches? (Broadly)
- AI figured out the word people text when their suicide risk is high (Mashable)
Global Suicide
- Japan’s suicide cliffs (Los Angeles Times)
- Pianist James Rhodes: 'Self harm is very misunderstood' (The Telegraph)
- 23 Things People Who Self-Harm Want You To Know (Buzz Feed)
Self-Harm Demographics
- How Many Teenage Girls Deliberately Harm Themselves? (The New York Times)
- More teenage girls are self harming than ever before – here's why (The Conversation)