Employers Are Still Avoiding Former Inmates (The Atlantic)
- Black Deaths and Police Convictions (The New York Times)
- America’s incarceration rate is at a two-decade low (Pew Research Center)
- California voted to go easy on criminals — this is how crime is doing 3 years later (The Blaze)
- Some States Are Still Locking Up Way Too Many People (Bloomberg)
- Men Are Finding Loopholes in US Law to Marry Children (Vice)
- There's A Good Reason Feds Don't Call White Guys Terrorists, Says DOJ Domestic Terror Chief (Huff Post)
- Trump's Executive Orders on Crime (CATO Institute)
Policing and Police Force
- Recent episodes of ‘existing while black’ show darker side of racial profiling (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
- Police-related fatalities may occur twice as often as reported (Washington University News)
- Black Cops on Both Sides of the Badge (The New York Times)
- Who Gets a Ticket? (The Society Pages)
- When Calling the Police is a Privilege (The Atlantic)
- Them vs. Us: How Black Cops View Policing in America (The Root)
- Is It Time to Reconsider Traffic Stops? (Citylab)
- No Systemic Evidence Of Racism When Police Use Deadly Force (The Daily Wire)
- Police kill unarmed blacks more often, especially when they are women (Washington University in St. Louis)
- More Than 250 Black People Were Killed By Police In 2016 (Huff Post)
- One sign protests over police are working: states are changing their laws (Vox)
- Police arrests are plummeting across California, fueling alarm and questions (Los Angeles Times)
- New Study Reveals Black Men Are Now Three Times More Likely To Be Killed By Police Than White Men (Essence)
- The LAPD's biggest conundrum: How to suppress crime without alienating South L.A.'s black residents (Los Angeles Times)
- All-knowing surveillance system detects gunfire all across America (Fox News)
- Serial Killers Should Fear This Algorithm (Bloomberg Business Week)
- Harvard Study Shows Actual Number of People Killed by U.S. Police (Inverse Science)
- Body Cameras Have Little Effect on Police Behavior, Study Says (The New York Times)
Judiciary System
- How Defense Attorneys Can Eliminate Racial Disparities in Criminal Justice (Sentencing Project)
- I'm a Judge and I Think Criminal Court Is Horrifying (The Marshall Project)
- One Lawyer, 194 Felony Cases, and No Time (The New York Times)
- I Sent an Innocent Man to Prison (Vice)
- Black Defendants Get Longer Sentences From Republican-Appointed Judges, Study Finds (The New York Times)
Correction Officers and Professions
- California examines prison guards' high suicide rate (AP News)
- The Unique Sexual Harassment Problem Female Prison Workers Face (Refinery29)
- For Black Motorists, a Never-Ending Fear of Being Stopped (National Geographic)