- We fear death, but what if dying isn't as bad as we think? (The Guardian)
- Dying may not be as frightening as we imagine it will be (The Week)
- Death May Be More Positive for the Dying Than We Expect (Psychology Today)
- When do you know you're old enough to die? (The Guardian)
- A Conversation with a Terminally Ill Woman (Vice)
- Americans Face a Rising Risk of Dying Alone (Bloomberg)
- What It Feels Like to Die (Lifehacker)
End of Life Decisions
- We've lost the art of talking about death. Here's why we must revive it (The Telegraph)
- 111 terminally ill patients took their own lives in first 6 months of California right-to-die law (Los Angeles Times)
End of Life Planning
- Americans Are Dying With an Average of $62K of Debt (Credit.com)
- More Than Half Of Americans Don't Have These Essential Estate Documents, Do You? (Forbes)
- One Day Your Mind May Fade. At Least You’ll Have a Plan. (The New York Times)
Hospice Care
- Fewer Americans are spending their final days in the hospital and more are dying at home (The Los Angeles Times)
- Palliative sedation, an end-of-life practice that is legal everywhere (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
- Hospice in crisis (Politico)
Death, Dying, and Inequality
The Rising Cost of Not Living (The New York Review of Books)
- Legalizing Aid In Dying Doesn't Mean Patients Have Access To It (NPR)
- This is what dying poor in America looks like (MedPage)
- East L.A.'s patron of souls lost and found donates coffins to families who can't afford them (Los Angeles Times)
Grief & Loss
- Bereaved who take comfort in digital messages from dead loved ones live in fear of losing them (The Conversation)
- There are no five stages of grief (The New York Times)
- Grief is Not Linear (Psychology Today)
- What the death of a parent can teach us, if we're willing to learn (Los Angeles Times)
Death, Dying & Culture