Research Confirms That No One Is Really Thinking About You (The Ascent, via Medium)
- This 75-Year Harvard study shows how to have lifetime joy (The Ladders)
- The key to working well with others: Expect the unexpected (World Economic Forum)
- Millennials, Gen Z Adults Prefer Texting Over Talking In Person (Study Finds)
- The silent killer of workplace happiness, productivity, and health is a lack of basic civility (Quartz)
- Touching Co-workers (Psychology Today)
Primary and Secondary Groups
- This is how long it takes adults to make new friends (The Next Web)
- I Was Ghosted By My Best Friend (Refinery 29)
- Do Your Friends Actually Like You? (New York Times)
Social Integration and Cohesion
- The friend effect: why the secret of health and happiness is surprisingly simple (The Guardian)
- Denmark has the happiest people in the world (Business Insider)
- You Think With the World, Not Just Your Brain (The Atlantic)
- 'We need human interaction': meet the LA man who walks people for a living (The Guardian)
Social Isolation
- How important are social relations for our health and well-being? (Our World in Data)
- Why humans are increasingly choosing to live alone (World Economic Forum)
- What Being Excluded Does To Your Brain (Forbes)
- Young People Are Lonelier Than Their Elders (NPR)
- Americans are becoming more socially isolated, but they're not feeling lonelier (The Conversation)
- The Perils of Social Isolation (Psychology Today)
- Variations of Loneliness (Association for Psychological Science)
- 4 In 10 Adult Americans Still Sleep With Teddy Bear (Study Finds)
Social Networks
- The Social Side of the Solo Cup (Social Occasions) (The Society Pages)
- How Connected is Your Online Presence to Everyone Else in America (The New York Times)
- 'People Helped You, Whether You Knew It Or Not' (NPR)
Social Contagion
- In a Bad Mood? You Might Have Picked it Up (CBS News)
- How Loneliness Begets Loneliness (The Atlantic)
- 3 Ways Physical Space Defines Power in Relationship (Psychology Today)
- What is Microaggression (ThoughtCo)
- The 67 types of people in America, according to market researchers (Business Insider)
Obedience to Authority, Conformity, and Diffusion of Responsibility
- The Bystander Effect (Very Well)
- What it takes to stand up to authority (BBC)
- A Berkeley professor explains why society needs more troublemakers (Quartz)
- Clinic's reused needles may have exposed 40,000 to hepatitis, HIV (San Francisco Gate)