Online Dating
- How the Internet Changed the Dating Game (The Society Pages)
- The Lingo of Online Dating (NPR)
- This Is How Online Dating Has Changed The Very Fabric of Society (Science Alert)
- How online dating affects divorce rates (Market Watch)
Partner Compatibility
- Your Romantic Partner is Probably Less Intelligent Than You Think (The British Psychology Society)
- The All or Nothing Marriage (The New York Times)
- Equal earnings help couples say 'I do' and stay together (EurekAlert)
- This Cornell sociologist says he’s found the secret to a happy marriage (MarketWatch)
- Researchers figured out what men and women really want in a mate (The Washington Post)
- Should You Marry a Passionate Lover or Your Best Friend? (Big Think)
- If You Want a Marriage of Equals, Then Date as Equals (The Atlantic)
Dating Violence
Teenage Girls and Dating Violence: Why We Should Be Paying Attention (The New York Times)