- Marriage and Divorce Data CDC (Informational)
Historical Family
- Colonial Williamsburg (Informational)
Family Inequality
- Family Budget Calculator (Data) (Interactive)
- Family Inequality by Philip N. Cohen (Informative)
Intimacy, and Sexual Norms
- The Gottman Institute (Informational)
- Guttmacher Institute (Informational)
- Resolve: The National Infertility Association (Informational)
- The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy (Informational) (Data) (Interactive)
- Kinsey Institute (Informational)
- Sex Info Online (Informational)
- International technical guidance on sexuality education: an evidence-informed approach (UNESCO) (Informational)
- Unmarried Equality (Informational) (Reports)
- Bella DePaulo (Informational)
- Singular Magazine (Informational)
Cohabitation and Marriage
- Ages when people get married around the world (Data)
- Marital Status (Interactive)
- Marriage and Divorce Rates by States (Interactive)
- Marriage and Divorce Census (Informational)
- National Marriage Week (Informational)
- Marriage Equality USA (Informational)
- StephanieCoontz.com (Informational)
- Andrew Cherlin (Informational)
- Remarriage in the United States, 2015 (Informational)
- Same-Sex Couples Census (Infomative)
- Child Trends (Data) (Informational)
- Changing the Odds for Vulnerable Children : Building Opportunities and Resilience (OECD) (Informational)
- Children Census (Informational)
- National Center for Fathering (Informational)
- Fatherhood (U.S. Census) (Informational) (Data)
- Child Care Census (Informational)
Family Violence and Adversity
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) (Informational)
- Joining Forces for Children - ACEs (Informational)
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) (CDC) (Informative)
- Child Abuse Statistics (Informational) (Data)
- Children's Defense Fund (Reports)
- Global Initiative to End Corporal Punishment (Informational) (Data)
- National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) (Informational)
- National Domestic Violence Hotline (Informational)
- Power and Control Wheel (Informational)
- Project No Spank (Informational)
- San Bernardino County Child Protective Services (Informational)
- Sibling Abuse (Informational)
- Caring for women subjected to violence (WHO) (Informational)
Coping with Stress (CDC) (Informational)
Purple Purse Financial Empowerement Modules (Allstate Foundation)
Public Policies
- Paid Family Leave Around the Globe (Data) (Interactive)
- OECD Parental Leave (Informative)