Caregivers and Caregiving
Multi-generational Family Caregivers (PEW, 2018)
Unpaid Caregiving (PEW, 2018)
Respect for Aging People Around Globe (WEF, 2018) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Fatal Injuries Younger and Older Than 55 1992-2017, Age, Workers and Farmers (BLS) (Public Domain)
Death and Dying
Wills and Estate Planning Charts (, 2020)
Demographics in the U.S.
Aging Demographics (Census, 2017) (Public Domain)
An Aging Nation (Census, 2018) (Public Domain)
Median Age Across Counties, 2018 (Census, 2018) (Public Domain)
Age Projections (The Conversation, 2020) (CC-BY-ND)
Graying of America Infographic (Parenting Our Parents)
Eight Demographic Trends of Aging People (Includes Disabilities) (PRB, 2018)
Age Dependency Ratio (Wall Street Journal, 2020)
Families and Social Networks
Women Around the Globe More Likely to Age Alone (PEW, 2020)
Source of Income for People Over 60 Years (CNBC, 2020)
Retirement Savings by Age, Family, Income, and Ethnicity, 1989-2016 (The Los Angeles Times)
Age and Sex Median Income 2017 (How Much 2019)
Generational Cohorts Defined (PEW, 2019)
Generation Z Demographics and Comparisons (WEF, 2019) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Generations in the Workforce (2019) (PEW)
Adulthood Comparisons by Generations (PEW, 2018)
Global Aging
Global Aging Demographics (WEF, 2018) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Global Aging Workforce (WEF, 2018) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Aging Western Countries (Visual Capitalist, 2017) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Aging Global Societies 1980-2050 (WEF, 2018) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Wealthy and Poor Country State of Aging Map (WEF, 2019) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Age Structure (Our World In Data, 2019) (CC-BY)
Countries With Highest Percentages of People over 60 Years (WEF, 2019) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Global Projections of 5 and 65 Year Olds (WEF, 2019) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Global Aging Societies by Region Projections (WEF, 2018) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Median Ages Around the Globe (Visual Capitalist, 2019) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Grandparents as Caregivers (Census, 2020) (Public Domain)
Health and Well-Being
Alzheimer Disease (WEF, 2018) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Age and Happiness (WEF, 2017) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Global Dementia (WEF, 2019) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Loneliness and Generational Impact on Health (The Wall Street Journal, 2018)
Loneliness by Generation (WEF, 2018) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Retirement Security and Age (FED Reserve, 2018)
Retirement Savings and Wealth Inequalities by Race and Ethnicity (Market Watch, 2017)
Retirement Savings by Various Social Factors (The Los Angeles Times, 2019)
Age at Retirement Expectations and Global Comparisons (CNBC, 2019)
When Do You Expect to Retire (The Washington Post, 2019)
Baby Boomers and Health Conditions in the Workforce (PRB, 2018)
Retiring Baby Boomers and Immigration (PEW, 2017)
Labor Force Participation for Workers Over 75 Years, 1996, 2006, 2016, 2026 (BLS, 2019) (Public Domain)
Multi-generational Family Caregivers (PEW, 2018)
Unpaid Caregiving (PEW, 2018)
Respect for Aging People Around Globe (WEF, 2018) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Fatal Injuries Younger and Older Than 55 1992-2017, Age, Workers and Farmers (BLS) (Public Domain)
Death and Dying
Wills and Estate Planning Charts (, 2020)
Demographics in the U.S.
Aging Demographics (Census, 2017) (Public Domain)
An Aging Nation (Census, 2018) (Public Domain)
Median Age Across Counties, 2018 (Census, 2018) (Public Domain)
Age Projections (The Conversation, 2020) (CC-BY-ND)
Graying of America Infographic (Parenting Our Parents)
Eight Demographic Trends of Aging People (Includes Disabilities) (PRB, 2018)
Age Dependency Ratio (Wall Street Journal, 2020)
Families and Social Networks
Women Around the Globe More Likely to Age Alone (PEW, 2020)
Source of Income for People Over 60 Years (CNBC, 2020)
Retirement Savings by Age, Family, Income, and Ethnicity, 1989-2016 (The Los Angeles Times)
Age and Sex Median Income 2017 (How Much 2019)
Generational Cohorts Defined (PEW, 2019)
Generation Z Demographics and Comparisons (WEF, 2019) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Generations in the Workforce (2019) (PEW)
Adulthood Comparisons by Generations (PEW, 2018)
Global Aging
Global Aging Demographics (WEF, 2018) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Global Aging Workforce (WEF, 2018) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Aging Western Countries (Visual Capitalist, 2017) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Aging Global Societies 1980-2050 (WEF, 2018) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Wealthy and Poor Country State of Aging Map (WEF, 2019) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Age Structure (Our World In Data, 2019) (CC-BY)
Countries With Highest Percentages of People over 60 Years (WEF, 2019) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Global Projections of 5 and 65 Year Olds (WEF, 2019) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Global Aging Societies by Region Projections (WEF, 2018) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Median Ages Around the Globe (Visual Capitalist, 2019) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Grandparents as Caregivers (Census, 2020) (Public Domain)
Health and Well-Being
Alzheimer Disease (WEF, 2018) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Age and Happiness (WEF, 2017) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Global Dementia (WEF, 2019) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Loneliness and Generational Impact on Health (The Wall Street Journal, 2018)
Loneliness by Generation (WEF, 2018) (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Retirement Security and Age (FED Reserve, 2018)
Retirement Savings and Wealth Inequalities by Race and Ethnicity (Market Watch, 2017)
Retirement Savings by Various Social Factors (The Los Angeles Times, 2019)
Age at Retirement Expectations and Global Comparisons (CNBC, 2019)
When Do You Expect to Retire (The Washington Post, 2019)
Baby Boomers and Health Conditions in the Workforce (PRB, 2018)
Retiring Baby Boomers and Immigration (PEW, 2017)
Labor Force Participation for Workers Over 75 Years, 1996, 2006, 2016, 2026 (BLS, 2019) (Public Domain)